How To Put On Fake Nails

Nails have been important part of woman’s beauty from past so many years. With the time false nails have become really popular and made its place in cosmetic market. First acrylic nails were introduced later on gel nails was introduced. Now they are more popular ones. There are two basic methods to put on artificial nails which totally depend on the type of artificial nails. The basic method to apply false nails as follows:

  • Consult a manicurist- First and foremost step is to contact nearest saloon and contact the manicurist so that you get a help in deciding shape, size and design of the nails.
  • Acrylic Nails- First thin layer of material is applied over natural nail. A mould is prepared to give a better shape to the nail. Dry “acryl blend” and “ethyl methacrylate” are most popular widespread stuff used in fastening acrylic nails. Acrylic material is cleaned after twenty minutes with the help of special cleansers.
  • Gel Nails- They congeals under special rays and need more time in fastening. Gel nails are more expensive but they are considered more reliable and safe.
  • Glue less Nails- When Acrylic nails and gel nails were not introduced women used nails which doesn’t needed any glue to fasten. They are easy to put and manicurist service is also not required but only drawback is they cannot be repainted.
Drawbacks of Artificial Nails:
  • Frequent breaking of Artificial nails- Your natural nails are cut before application of artificial nails but your natural nails will grow on regular basis this might can cause breaking of your artificial nail.
  • Damages Natural nails- Artificial nails damages the natural nails and it take lot of time to recover when false nails are removed. It may also cause nail diseases. Sometimes this can cause serious medical problem which may need an operation.
No doubt artificial nails are shinier, attractive and have a better shape but it has some harmful effects which can cause your hands to look terrible for few days. So be sure that you make a right choice of artificial nails after all it is important part of women’s beauty.