Eva Longoria's Makeup Tricks

Here’s how to get Eva Longoria's sexy makeup look, which stays pretty constant:over time.

Eva's lashes? So faux. But enviable, nonetheless. Opt for indivudual false lashes instead of full strips, which can weigh your eyelids down and look droopy. Apply three to six lashes at the outer corners of each eye to temporarily elongate them. Use a black eye pencil to draw a fine line along the inside edge of the upper and lower lash lines. Sweep a gray shadow from lid to crease. Think sizzling-smoky.

Don’t skip the blush and bronzer, as these are the keys to getting Eva Longoria’s sexy bronzed look. Sweep powder bronzer on the forehead, bridge of the nose and cheeks, to mimic the glow you get when the sun hits your face. Apply a dusty rose powder blusher to the contours of the cheek (the application should be under the cheekbone rather than on the apple).

Draw just outside your natural lip line with a lip liner that is slightly darker than your lips, then blend with a lip brush. Dab on a brick colored lipstick, followed by a caramel lip gloss using a lip brush for precision.